Best Practices for Reliable Research

In 2018, the University of Florida Warrington, College of Business hosted a workshop, funded by the National Science Foundation, which brought together many specialists (researchers, editors, science industry leaders) to discuss about robust and reliable research practices in the social and economic sciences research community.

For more information about the initiative, please visit this link:

To see the full list of conference videos on YouTube, please visit this link:



  • How Abductive Reasoning Promotes Robust and Reliable Research Practices
    Peter Bamberger, Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Discoveries
  • The Crucial Role of Replication in Robust and Reliable Research
    Rich Bettis, Former Co-Editor, Strategic Management Journal
  • Inference and Replication in Strategy Science
    Brent Goldfarb, Associate Editor, Management Science—Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • External Validity and the Replication Crisis: Reflections on the Replication Corner
    John Lynch, Guest Co-Editor, Special Issue on Question-Focused Innovations in Research Methods, Strategic Management Journal; Co-Editor, Replication Corner, International Journal of Research in Marketing
  • Causal Identification through a Cumulative Body of Research in the Study of Strategy and Organizations
    J. Myles Shaver, Associate Editor, Strategy Science
  • The Advantages of Starting with Theory: Addressing the Issue of HARKing
    Jason Shaw, Editor-in-Chief, Academy of Management Journal
  • How Computation Models Can Facilitate Robust Theory Development, Testing, and Implementation in Organization Science
    Jeff Vancouver, Thought leader on computational models of human-environment interactions



  • The Reproducibility of Empirical Management Research: Tests, Applications, and Recommendations
    Don Bergh, Methods Task Force Chair, Journal of Management
  • Resampling Methods: Resting Robustness and Reliability (but Really Replicability)
    Paul Bliese, Editor-in-Chief, Organizational Research Methods
  • Using Formal Models to Study Strategy and Organizations
    Felipe Csaszar, Senior Editor, Organization Science
  • How Graphical Methods Can Improve Robustness and Reliability in Management Research
    Henrich Greve, Editor-in-Chief, Administrative Science Quarterly
  • Robustness and Reliability in the Analysis of Count Data
    Deepak Somaya, Thought leader on human capital, relational asset, and intellectual property
  • Open Data + Robust Workflow: Towards Reproducible Empirical Research on Organic Data
    Heng Xu, Thought leader on information sciences and big data
    Nan Zhang, Thought leader on robustness and reliability in web data analytics
  • Robustness and Reliability in Web Data Analytics
    Nan Zhang, Thought leader on information sciences and big data
  • Using Meta-Analysis to Evaluate Effect Size Heterogeneity and Inform the Robustness of Research Findings
    Zhen Zhang, Associate Editor, Personnel Psychology



  • Replications and Reproducibility in IO-OB-HR Research: How Are We Doing, and Can We Do Better?
    Gilad Chen, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Ethical Socialization of Management Scholars: Perspectives from Professional and Organizational Socialization Research
    John Kammeyer-Mueller, Associate Editor, Personnel Psychology
  • Robust and Reliable Organizational Science: Problems and Prospects
    Steve Kozlowski, Former Editor, Journal of Applied Psychology
  • Best Editorial Practices Associated with Robust and Reliable Research in the Science of Organizations
    Fred Oswald, Senior Associate Editor, Journal of Management
  • Life After P-hacking
    Joseph Simmons, Associate Editor, Management Science—Judgment and Decision Making

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