Marco Peña-Jimenez

Research interests

Changing nature of work

We are living in a world where technology is changing our society but also organizations and even the way we work. I am interested in how organizations change as a result of the integration of new technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence, advanced robotics, big data).

Learning in the workplace

Learning at work has been a very productive research line in W/O Psychology. Nevertheless, there is a need for research related to informal learning and other meaningful experiences at work which contribute to the development of strategic skills at work.

Transformation and Innovation

Organizations can facilitate or constrain the development of their employees. In this context, the understanding of transformation and innovation in organizations are two multidimensional phenomena which are important not only for organizations but also for employees.

Methodology and statistics

My research aims to explore organizational phenomena as a process based on a longitudinal and dynamic perspective. At the same time, I learn and explore new ways and statistical tools to analyze the dynamic relationship between individual and contextual factors.




10 Years of Experience


2021 (expected)
University of Bordeaux (France) & Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)

PhD in Work & Organizational Psychology

Directors: Prof. Adalgisa Battistelli & Prof. Mirko Antino

University of Bordeaux (France)

MSc in Work & Organizational Psychology

Director: Prof. Adalgisa Battistelli. Scholarship: French Government Scholarship 2016-2018 recipient. Graduated with honors.

Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)

Research stay in Work & Organizational Psychology

Supervisor: Prof. Mirko Antino. Scholarship: Initiative d'Excellence (IDEX) by the International Master Program at University of Bordeaux.

National University of San Marcos (Peru)

BSc in Psychology

Honors: First class honors (Ranked 1 st / 146 students). Dean's office Distinction recipient (Faculty of Psychology)


2019 - Current
University of Bordeaux (France)

Teacher Assistant

Level: 2nd- and 3rd-year undergraduate students (in French language). Courses: Introductory courses of Work & Organizational of Psychology.

University of Bordeaux (France)

Research Assistant

Laboratory of Psychology EA4139. Support to research project funded by Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region (France). Head: Prof. Adalgisa Battistelli.

2014 - 2016
Backus. An Anheuser-Busch InBev subsidiary (Peru)

Industrial and Union Relations Senior Analyst

Company representative in negotiations with unions of collective bargaining (w. industrial, commercial and administrative employees)

2014 - 2014
Backus. An Anheuser-Busch InBev subsidiary (Peru)

Industrial and Union Relations Analyst

Legal representative to work authority and labor stakeholders (e.g., Labor Ministry). Management and prevention of labor conflicts in the company.

2013 - 2013
Backus. An Anheuser-Busch InBev subsidiary (Peru)

Employee Relations Analyst

Coordination with business units concerning labor relations strategy and projects. Responsible for labor relations reporting.

2012 - 2013
Backus. An Anheuser-Busch InBev subsidiary (Peru)

Human Resources Business Partner Analyst

Internal HR Consulting to Administrative Business (Corporate Affairs VP, HR VP, Finance VP & Sporting Cristal FC). 

2011 - 2012
Backus. An Anheuser-Busch InBev subsidiary (Peru)

Employee Relations Junior Analyst

Facilitator of the integration of commercial personnel (1200 new employees). Responsible for the Labor chapter of Human Rights policy.

2010 - 2011
Backus. An Anheuser-Busch InBev subsidiary (Peru)

Graduate Intern of Human Resources

HR Services (e.g., internal communication, well-being) to workers in Ate, Maltería & San Mateo industrial plants.

2009 - 2010
University of Lima (Peru)

Undergraduate Intern of Psychology

Well-being programs at the University. Development and implementation of training projects. Recruitment and Selection.

Technical Skills

IBM SPSS Statistics


MPlus (Statistical modeling program)


R (R Studio), JASP, Jamovi


Web Development (HTML, CSS, Open Source Soft.)


Graphic Design (Adobe, Pixelmator, Affinity)












Scientific production and activities

Journal Articles

Nurse Education Today

Affective correlates of e-learning satisfaction

Dal Santo, L., Peña-Jimenez, M., Canzan, F., Saiani, L., & Battistelli, A. (2022). The emotional side of the e-learning among nursing students: The role of the affective correlates on the e-learning satisfaction. Nurse Education Today, 105268.

Anales de Psicología

Skills in the digital age

Peña-Jimenez, M., Battistelli, A., Odoardi, C., & Antino, M. (2021). Exploring skill requirements for the Industry 4.0: A worker-oriented approach. Anales de Psicología, 37(3), 577-588.

The Spanish Journal of Psychology


Déprez, G. R. M., Bazine, N., Fréour, L., Peña-Jimenez, M., Cangialosi, N., & Battistelli, A. (2021). From feedback seeking to psychological attachment, the mediating role of adaptive performance in perceived obstruction context. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 24, E1.

Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations

The “voice” behavior

Déprez, G. R. M., Battistelli, A., & Peña-Jimenez, M. (2019). Le comportement de « prise de parole » (voice) : validation de la version française de la mesure de Maynes et Podsakoff. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 25(4), 221-239.

Book Chapters

Editions Hogrefe

Innovation and technology

Odoardi, C., Battistelli, A., & Peña-Jimenez, M. (2021). I processi di innovazione organizzativa e tecnologica integrati nel quadro della digital transformation. In C. Odoardi (Ed.). Capacità di innovazione organizzativa. Strategie di ricerca-intervento (pp. 161-184). Firenze: Hogrefe Editore.

Editions L'Harmattan

Innovation and technology

Bazine, N., Peña-Jimenez, M., Andriot, C., Déprez, G. R. M., & Battistelli, A. (2020). Le rôle de la préférence technologique sur la relation entre les comportements d'innovation et le bien-être psychologique au travail. In A. Battistelli, C. Lagabrielle, & D. Steiner. (Eds.). Management, Innovation & Bien-être (pp. 125-140). Paris: Editions L'Harmattan.

Conference presentations


Oral Communication

Peña-Jimenez, M., Deprez, G. R. M., & Battistelli, A. (2019, July). Promoción de ideas innovadoras y su rol mediador entre la voz constructiva y el bienestar. Oral Communication in International Symposium at the XXXVII Interamerican Congress of Psychology in La Habana, Cuba. July 15-19.


Oral communication

Peña-Jimenez, M. (2018, April). Burnout y engagement en el trabajo: ¿Polos de un mismo continuum?. Conference at the XIII Congreso de Investigación para Estudiantes Pregraduados de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Madrid, Spain. April 19-21.


Oral communication

Peña-Jimenez, M., Bazine, N., Andriot, C., & Battistelli, A. (2018, March). El rol de la preferencia tecnológica sobre la relación entre la innovación y el bienestar psicológico en el trabajo. Conference at the II Congreso Internacional de Psicología y VI Congreso Nacional de Psicología del Trabajo y Recursos Humanos in Valencia, Spain. March 1-3.


Oral communication

Peña-Jimenez, M., Bazine, N., Andriot, C., & Battistelli, A. (2018, February). El rol de la preferencia tecnológica sobre la relación entre la innovación y el bienestar psicológico en el trabajo. Conference at the I Congreso Internacional para Jóvenes Investigadores en Psicología at the University Francisco de Vittoria in Madrid, Spain. February 1-2


Scientific Poster

Bazine, N., Peña-Jimenez, M., Andriot, C., Deprez, G., & Battistelli, A. (2018, July). Le role de la préférence technologique sur la relation entre l’innovation et le bien-être psychologique au travail. Scientific Poster at the XXème Congrès de l’Association Internationale en Psychologie du Travail de Langue Française in Bordeaux, France. July 18-21.

Editorial Activities

Revista Puertorriqueña de Psicología (Puerto Rico); Revista Salud & Sociedad (Chile), Revista Interamericana de Psicología (SIP), Revista Interamericana de Psicología Ocupacional (Colombia), Revista Cuadernos de Neuropsicología (Chile), Interacciones Revista de Avances en Psicología (Perú)


Get in Touch

+33 5 57 57 31 75

Bordeaux, France


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